Elaine Beaulieu (dir), Mish Boutet, Lynne Bowker, Thomas Burelli (dir), Jackie Carnegie, Alexandre Lillo (dir), David MacDonald et Colin Montpetit, Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes, Ottawa, The Educational Games Group (The EGG), 2020, online:https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/gamebasedlearning
Thomas Burelli and Alexandre Lillo, “Game on! Experiential and immersive teaching as an innovative learning tool of international environmental law”, in Teaching and Learning in Environmental Law: Pedagogy, Methodology and Best Practice, Edward Elgar, 2019 (forthcoming).
February 2020: International Development Week 2020 Workshop – Ottawa (ON). International Climate Agreements and Negotiations.
April 2019: “APDQ” Annual Conference – Montreal, QC. L’avenir de la planète se décide à Ottawa… ou presque! Le jeu au service de l’apprentissage du droit international de l’environnement.
March 2019 : Centre for Environmental Law and Global Sustainability, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa – Ottawa, ON. Learning in Progress… Les stratégies d’apprentissage basées sur le jeu comme outil de formation au droit de l’environnement.
February 2019: Lecture Series on Legal Research, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa – Ottawa, ON. Laissez-vous prendre au jeu ! L’enseignement expérientiel et immersif comme outil innovant de formation au droit international de l’environnement. Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFT7KtWho84